• Gifted Education


  • Brenda Svec

    Director of Curriculum & Instruction
    Brenda Svec
    (440) 949-4291 


  • Gifted Identification takes place in grades K-12.   Referral forms are available through the building principal. Students are identified using tests with national norms approved by Ohio Department of Education (ODE) for gifted identification.

    Services by our gifted intervention specialist for students identified as gifted in reading/writing begins at grade 5 and continue through grade 8. Services are provided in a cluster grouping co-teaching model.  Instruction is guided by the Written Education Plans. Service time is in compliance with state guidelines.

    Identified students at other grade levels, or in other subject areas, may receive differentiated instruction.  The differentiated instruction can include participation in enrichment activities, taking advanced/honors coursework, taking part in subject or grade level acceleration, or being involved in the College Credit Plus programs.


    For questions about gifted education please contact Brenda Svec, Curriculum Director

    Phone (440) 949-4291 or email bsvec@sheffieldschools.org.